SZ8 SealCooler™

SZ8 SealCooler™

Product info

SZ8 SealCooler™ Thermosiphon System is designed with an advanced and completely new ways to succeed simple and robust structure.

The thermosiphon system developed by Flow Control is especially designed to be used for the dual seals, which has pumping features. The pumping feature improves a sealing liquid’s circulation in the thermosiphon system, in which case the mechanical seals can be cooled and lubricated more efficiently. The system minimizes the dry running on the seal and extends the life of the seal. The system also generates savings in sealing water consumption compared to external flush system.

Installation services

Flow Control’s service concept includes installation services. Our intention is to provide services additional to development and manufacture. Our professional staff has been servicing customers with their comprehensive skill set for decades. Our staff has mastered the installation of various systems, such as:

  • Circulation lubrication

  • Seal water systems

  • Pneumatics

  • Grease lubrication

  • Hydraulics

This is only a part of our services. Please contact us with a contact form! We would gladly tell you more of the services we are able to provide.